PSZ Assistance
SIRET number 422 877 027 00017
Advice - Assistance - Equipment

You manage a shop, a small factory, or a club, or you are a professional.

You are using a personal computer or a small network of computers to manage your activities, but you have neither the time, nor the technical resources to ensure that it will keep working properly whenever you need it.

You are located in the Paris, France, area.

Let PSZ Assistance help you!

PSZ Assistance is:

PSZ Assistance means:

* Provided you accept to install the remote action software recommended by PSZ Assistance, and a modem of your own choosing.

To look at PSZ Assistance's rates, click here.

For more information:

Write to: PSZ Assistance
33 rue Charlot
75003 Paris
Or send an e-mail to PSZ Assistance

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OS/2 and OS/2 Warp are registered trade names of the IBM corporation.

All the text on the pages of this site is Copyright © 1999-2010, by Pierre Szwarc (all rights reserved) unless otherwise stated. All mentioned trade marks are owned by their respective companies. No infringement intended.