PSZ Assistance's rates:

Spot calls:
Call fee inside Paris 60,00 Euros 393,57 F
Call fee outside Paris 90,00 Euros 590,36 F
Hour of on site intervention1 90,00 Euros 590,36 F
Phone call fee2 5,00 Euros 32,80 F
Hour of remote assistance3 75,00 Euros 491,97 F

1 Each non-subscription call will be charged for one hour minimum.

2 Per call. Phone assistance is available only by prior agreement. It also includes assistance through remote control, provided the remote control software recommended by PSZ Assistance and a modem of your own choosing are available.

3 Remote assistance will be charged per units of 5 minutes.

Calls under subscription:
Monthly subscription per computer1,2 90,00 Euros 590,36 F
Call fee inside Paris 40,00 Euros 262,38 F
Call fee outside Paris 60,00 Euros 393,57 F
Hour of on site intervention 75,00 Euros 491,97 F
Hour of remote assistance3 60,00 Euros 262,38 F

1 Per site. Subscription includes one hour of remote assistance3 for the whole maintained site.

2 This rate applies to each of the first two machines. The next three machines will be applied a 15% reduction; machines beyond the fifth will be applied a 25% reduction. Offer is limited to 10 machines per site.

3 Remote assistance includes phone assistance, and remote control, provided the remote control software recommended by PSZ Assistance and a modem of your own choosing are available. Installation and configuration of said software will be done free of charge by PSZ Assistance. A modem will be unnecessary for users connecting to the Internet through Cybercâble.

Note: Interventions outside of regular office hours and working days will give raise to an surcharge of 50% or 100%, depending on when the call takes place.

Whether the call is for repairs, upgrading your computers or installing new software, PSZ Assistance can purchase the parts, machines and/or software for you if you wish so.

All rates are shown before tax. Applicable VAT rate is 20,6%.

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All rates subject to change without warning. Last updated on June 20, 1999.
All the text on the pages of this site is Copyright © 1999-2010, by Pierre Szwarc (all rights reserved) unless otherwise stated. All mentioned trade marks are owned by their respective companies. No infringement intended.